Bull Run Run 2007 Photos


http://zhurnaly.com/images/Bull_Run_Run/BRR2007_stream_bur.jpgNear the back of the pack, crossing a tributary stream (probably Little Rocky Run) early during the Bull Run Run 50 Miler, Mary Ewell leads as ^z and Nancy Summers pick their way cautiously behind. Blue blazes mark the Bull Run Trail, and additional blue streamers help keep runners on course. This year the mud isn't nearly as bad as it often is. The flowers in the northern end of the course are lovely. Ducks and geese scold racers for disturbing their peaceful repose; fishermen studiously ignore all passers-by. (photo by Mike Bur, some rights reserved)
At the northern turnaround, 9.4 miles into the BRR, Mary Ewell and ^z prepare to reverse course under the watchful supervision of race official Anstr Davidson of the Virginia Happy Trails Running Club. Here the trail winds through meadows of bluebells and crosses narrow, bouncy bridges made of wooden boards. (photo by Anstr Davidson, some rights reserved)http://zhurnaly.com/images/Bull_Run_Run/BRR2007_mile_9.4_anstr.jpg
http://zhurnaly.com/images/Bull_Run_Run/BRR2007_mile_37.9_emaad.jpgThe Fountainhead aid station is first encountered at mile 28.1, just before runners enter the White Loop and then proceed to the infamous Do Loop. After 9.3 miles of rambling alone through the woods ^z is back at Fountainhead, ready to start the final 13.5 miles of the course. He holds a handful of potato chips in one hand, a handful of M&M candies in the other fist, and in the crook of an arm cradles his one remaining bottle. The other flask sprayed Gatorade into his eyes when he took a tumble on the trail several miles earlier. (photo by Emaad Burki, some rights reserved)
^z indicates the boo-boo that his knee now exhibits at mile 37.9, the Fountainhead aid station on the return trip. It doesn't look all that bad, does it? Suck it up and move on, you wimp! The purple bruises won't develop until later. (photo by Emaad Burki, some rights reserved)http://zhurnaly.com/images/Bull_Run_Run/BRR2007_knee_emaad.jpg

(cf. Bull Run Run 2007 (15 Apr 2007), ...)

TopicRunning - TopicPersonalHistory - 2007-04-17

(correlates: 2008-07-13 - CCT Cutdown, ScottReiss, Bull Run Run 2007, ...)